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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goals for 2013

"Goals s are dreams with deadlines"
Diana Scharf Hunt

This year I will finish my dissertation and by February 2014 I will have my work completed for my Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Educational Technology. As part of my journey I joined a Facebook group that is, more or less, on the same path, same destination in completing their work so they can receive their Ph.D. in Education. It has been great because they have inspired me to complete my work instead of talking about the work.

My goal is to develop research based curriculum that includes educational technology in order to include students with disabilities in the general education classroom. In addition, I plan on writing articles and developing training courses for teachers in this area as well. Children with language issues and various disabilities need to work with their peers in order to develop social and academic skills.

The word for this year is stewardship. I plan on exploring that word as I complete my goals. This blog and michellewrite.wordpress.com will keep an account as I develop my skills during my journey. The blogs will include book reviews, reflections and research in my area of passion. Please join me!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Goals for 2013

"Goals are dreams with deadlines"
                                   Diana Scharf Hunt

This past year I knew I needed support and accountability in order to complete my Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Educational Technology.  Initially, I wanted to specialize in Special Education, but this past year I decided my goals would be best served by specializing in Educational Technology.

My goal, once I receive my Ph.D. in education, is develop research based curriculum to illustrate that educational technology will facilitate a student's language development AND facilitate inclusion of student's with disabilities in the general education classroom. Educational technology will help all students with any type of issues to access the general education classroom.  Educational technology will help the teachers differentiate instruction in the classroom.

In order to accomplish this goal, I will complete my dissertation this year.  I will develop and write curriculum for online instruction and to use in in the classroom to facilitate students with disabilities in the general education classroom.  My opinion is the Educational Technology will facilitate and assist the students to access the general education classroom.

As I complete this blog I will post my progress, research I have uncovered, various book reviews and articles that I will read in connection to the development of my career as a educator.  Please stay with me on my journey and post your comments, critiques and support along the way.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Review: No Storm Lasts Forever

Submit Review

No Storm Lasts Forever

Terry A. Gordon
Empowerment, Inspirational, Spirituality
978-1-4019-3985-4No Storm Lasts Forever: Transforming Suffering Into Insight
Dr. Terry A. Gordon

This book concerns a period in Dr. Gordon's son's life. His son had a serious accident and Dr. Gordon discusses his thought, emotions and experiences as his son recovers from his accident.

I though this book was okay.  The book did not have any new thoughts or suggestions about a terrible time during  his son's recuperation.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Michelle's Notes: What to Expect?

The expectations of this blog was to provide a place for me to write my response for my Educational Technology classes that I am taking for my graduate work in PhD. As I progressed through the courses, I thought that I could use this for my writing, reading, teaching, etc.  However, I have found this is not acceptable because it is not focused on specific audience.

Consequently, the focus of this blog will be on education and professional development resources for a writer and teacher.  Specifically, research in the area of technology (reference to tools used in writer and teaching), books that specifically assist in marketing, queries, curriculum development and online instruction, classroom (brick and mortar) instruction and questions.

In addition, I welcome requests and questions. There will be link to my book review, writing, and teaching site.  Follow me as I grow in the blog process.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Six Month Check Up

We are all in a period of transition.  I am preparing a new room for my class next year.  While I have more room I don’t have all the technology I want in that room.  My mantra this year isn’t why don’t I? Or why me?  It is how do I get the things that I want   It is time for a six month check up.  I am not settling for anything and it is time to become what God has created me to become in this life. In order to get what I want I need to get up in the morning and get going.

Deut.   I:6:   You have dwelt long enough on this mountain.

It is Sunday and I went to church this morning to greet people as they arrived for worship services.  I saw a lot of old faces and some new faces.  I chit chatted.  I came home shortly afterwards because I had forgotten my medicine.  This was good because I got up and went to church. My habit that I want to develop is get up when the alarm goes off in the morning.  One of the blogs I follow has an article that I think outlines how to do it well.

It is time for a six month check up.  A gentleman in one of my writing groups suggested that we put forth our goals etc. that we want to have accomplished by July 1, 2013.  This is nice because we keep each other on track. This is a recurring theme in many of the blogs that I have been reading. In addition, the teachers I know are reading books and discussing them.  They are doing much the same that I am doing right now. However, instead of doing this in the summer, I have decided that I will get up at the same time each morning 7 days a week, every day in the month, every day in the year.

 I have realized as I go through my goals that I haven’t accomplished all that I want to this year. I want a better relationship with my children, family and friends.  Not just on Facebook either. I want to lose the weight and improve my health.  My dream is to write stories, articles and curriculums.  Teach online and consult with districts.  I want to work with children in practice not in a public school.

I can’t accomplish my goals if I don’t get up in the morning.
Are you living your dream? How can you get the things that you want?

   My white board at my desk has something from each of my goals that will accomplish my dreams.

My first gaol is that I will get up when the alarm clock goes off in the morning.

Friday, June 22, 2012

New beginnings Steps

This is part of my new beginnings.

I read in a section in Flylady this morning about her 50th birthday. Her 50th birthday included new beginnings as well.  Over this year, the question isn’t why me or why not me? , but HOW DO I MAKE THIS POSSIBLE?
The steps:


Good health

Family connections



Online teaching


 A Dissertation, according to Encarta Dictionary: English (2012) “is a lengthy formal written treatment of a subject, especially a long paper submitted as a requirement for a degree. “ What the dictionary does not include is the definition of the dissertation process which is almost as lengthy as the paper.  The process included writing a premise, gathering a dissertation committee, writing a prospectus AND waiting for each to be approved before starting the dissertation.  However, as the saying goes if it were easy everyone would be doing it.  I intend to have the three letters PhD behind my name in a year and half. 

At it goes on . . . . .

Keep my Friend Kathy in your prayers as she undergoes surgery and my son as he goes out

The Light of the World: A testimony of Jesus Christ

A Book Review


Michelle Martens Dragalin

                A person’s return journey back to Christianity is very personal as Patrick K. Canon illustrated in his book. This book is about a man who finds his rebirth after he has hit rock bottom. The book actually has three parts to it and each section could be expanded into its particular book. The first section is a long poem, the second section a sermon on how America is founded on Christianity and finally the author’s testimony. The follow paragraphs will review each section of the book.

I liked the poem, but the poem was too long and had to many themes inside of one poem. I did like the nuggets in the poem because are based on biblical evidence. However, the poem should be separated into several different poems. Each poem would have its own theme and it would not have been an endurance to test to read them all. The book of Psalms and Proverbs are not all written as one lengthy book.

The next section of the book examined how Christianity should fit into the everyday world of America. Christianity is not part of the everyday world, and I agree with the author and the points he made in this section. However, I received the feeling that he realized he was rambling and ended the section with a quick segue into his testimony.

His testimony was very to the point and clinical. He depicted the events as they unfolded rather quickly and without much detail. Mr. Canon needed, in my opinion, more emotion and less narrative about the events that happened during his story. This would have helped the story would have flowed better. In addition, this section read more along the lines of a man who updated his journal based on events that happened to someone else. I also think that in trying to remain as anonymous as possible, he left out pivotal events (we already know that this about him), but I still do not understand what the turning point was about his testimony.

The book has some really strong points, but it was almost as if he wanted to “get on with the book” and let the reader figure out what he was talking about on their own. While this would be good for a Christian who knows where to go, a new Christian would have a difficult time understanding his book. A little more detail would not have hurt the book.

The Light of the World
Available from: www.authorhouse.com, www.bn.com and www.amazon.com
ISBN: 978-1452026367 *  7.8X4.9 * Paperback * 56 page * $10.49

"The Spirit Says 'Come',": a book review.

A Book Review


Michelle Martens-Dragalin

          The Spirit Realm is a real place opened by individuals either knowingly or unknowingly. I should tell you that I do believe that the spirit realm does exist, God is more powerful than anything on heaven and earth, but we do give power to evil when we invite it into our homes and lives. Irka Kmiec does not debate this in her book; she has provided episodes from her life and from the lives of people she know or has met and recorded them in her book “The Spirit Says “Come”.”

The title of the book does not describe the interior of the book completely. While Ms. Kmiec does tell you how to respond to a spirit, should you see one; however, the majority of the book about other peoples’ experience concerning the spirit realm. The book does, however, give you a chance to think about the spirit world. I think, that if Ms. Kmiec has put the interviews into a narrative form rather than writing them verbatim in her book, she would have captured and kept my attention. The author does provide a selection of different people from various parts of the world and clergy. She included believers and non believers alike in her interviews and gives the book a balanced feel, although her thoughts and believe are documents at the beginning of the book.

If you are interested in the spirit world, I would suggest this book to you and encourage you to take the advice to heart. I do agree that people take the sprit realm to lightly and that if you read the bible you will agree that that realm is real.  


                                                               The Spirit Says “Come”

Available from: www.authorhouse.com, www.bn.com, and www.amazon.com

ISBN: 978-1456714796 * 5x8 * Paperback * 132 pages * 11.99

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Beginnings

My 50th birthday has passed and a new session in school has started.  Yeah!  I am finally starting my dissertation.

The picture book writing book critique group has analyzed my blog have given me good suggestions to improve and bring in more viewers.

*more color
*more information about what I do

So . . . . look for them in the future.

In addition to being a blogger and student, I am also a writer and teacher. 

I have finished critiquing several picture books for review site started by Darcy Pattison's book review blog at www.darcypattison.com. When the reviews are posted I will post a link from this blog.

In the future, there will be more book reviews, connections to various publication that I will be writing for and updates on my curriculum materials.

Please look at the blogs I follow, by clicking on my complete profile, to get a better idea of what I am all about!!

Have a great day!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Module 6 Blog

Learning in a Digital World

               Learning is something that is based on rituals and routines.  I recognize this because as I learn, I go back over previous lessons, materials, textbooks, web sites and other information in order to complete my lessons.  When something new is put into the mix, it makes learning difficult because my natural order is put into disarray.  This could be because I am a very kinetics and visual learner.

Technology helps me with my learning because I also have dyslexia.  I learn better when I can write out what I am learning and keep everything in one place.  The material does not move or fall out of my hands; it is right there for me to look at. Technology also provides a certain ritual to my learning.

As an online learner, I do not feel as self conscious, although I do imagine personalities as I read answers. I can immediately read answers and provide an answer; it provides a constancy that cannot be broken. Online learning also makes me more responsible for my learning because I am the one who has to turn on the computer and do more than if I am actually going to the school itself.  I compare what my daughter does on a daily basis.  I think that she spends as much time traveling as I do reading each day.  In addition, she is less likely to email her instructor than she is to go and speak to her instructor.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Module 5: Affective Learning Theory Blog

This year our district provided the classroom teachers with an iPad to use to assess students by administrating the Developmental Reading Assessment 2.  The district paid for the iPad app for each iPad and we were encouraged to search out and include apps that would help the students improve their academic skills, specifically their reading skills.  I followed their instructions as well as I could in the circumstances.  I shared these apps with my co workers who viewed them as time consuming (instruction and use), difficult to use in the classroom and inappropriate for the reading skills that the felt that the students needed to improved their skills. In short, they liked the iPad for their own use but were reluctant to let the students use them in any shape.

As I view the situation through the following lens; John Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivational Design, there are four steps for promoting and sustaining motivation in the learning process: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS). (Driscoll, 2005). I think that I should have presented the apps by showing them how well the students were progressing and using the apps in the classroom.  Once I started to experiment with this philosophy more service providers were willing to use the apps in the classroom.  Later, when I introduced them to the administration and the teachers saw how excited the administration was with the apps, they started to include them on their iPad and were more willing to let the students use the iPad in the classroom.


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog Response

I responded to the following Blogs: Vida Martin and Dwanell B's Blog.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Module Four: Reflection on Mind Map

I learn to use my new information in all of my areas of life.  It may sound weird, but in todays world technology is a way we accomplish a lot of things in our life.  I am the go to person in our family when we are trying to make things work in our family.  In addition, I write a lot about education, adult, elementary, and online education.  The main area is that I tend to use the internet a lot, especially through my iPad. 

When I do not understand what I am doing in a field or need a question I begin by typing my questions in a search engine or put it into a  into my ereader to see if it is any of my books.

Module four Part one


Here is a link to my Mind Map.

Module Four Part two

  • What are the essential criteria for something to be a learning theory? (Use Ertmer & Newby's or Driscoll’s criteria.)

Comprises a set of constructs linking observed changes in performance with what is thought to bring about those changes.

  • What are the essential criteria for something to be an instructional theory?

Identifying methods that will best provide the conditions under which learning goals will most likely be attained.

  • What are the differences between a learning theory and an instructional theory?

Instructional theory must either build on or be compatible with existing learning theory. Learning theory specifies the link between what is learned and the conditions under which learning occurs.  Instruction theory adds the component of instructional method to the existing equation.

  • What is connectivism?

Theory of learning based on the premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of an individual

·       Why does Siemens believe connectivism is a new learning theory for a digital age?

Connectivism is a theory describing how learning happens i n a digital age. Research i n traditional learning theories comes from an era when networking technologies were not yet prominent.

  • Provide three sound reasons why connectivism could be a learning theory?

a.      learning based on the premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of an individual

b.     describe learning principles

c.      describe learning processess

  • Provide three sound reasons why connectivism might not be a learning theory.

a.      Not always trying to change a perfomeance, but a way to connect

b.     Connectivism is part of a theory, but is not an only theory.

c.      Based brining knowledge together

  • Take a position on whether connectivism is or is not a learning theory, supporting and defending your position with five different references.

Connectivism is not a learning theory it is a connection of knowledge.  This is an aspect that brings knowledge together either through technology, information and /or people.  This is completed in a group situation.  The following are references that support this position:

Anderson, T., & Elloumi, R. (ed) (2004). Theory and practice online. Retrieved from http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/EQM04310.pdf

Davis, C. (2012) Connectivism-emerging perspectives on learning, teaching and education. Retrieved from projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Connectivism

Downs, S. (2012). 'Connectivism' and Connective Knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephen-downes/connectivism-and-connecti_b_804653.ht

Marquis, J., (2012). What does connectivism mean for education. www.onlineuniversities.com/.../what-does-connectivism-me...

Siemens, G. (2011). Connectivism and Connective Knowledge: CCK11. ELEARNSPACE http://www.elearnspace.org/blog/2011/01/14/connectivism-and-connective-knowledge-cck11/

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Module 3 Posts

I have posted responsed to other bloggers posts on colloboration.  They are:

Heather Roger's

Rashida Brown

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Module Three: Constructivist

EDUC-7105-1/EDUC-8845-1 Learning Theory and Educational Technology


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from

El-Bishouty, M. M., Ogata, H., Rahman, S., & Yano, Y. (2010) Social Knowledge Awareness Map for Computer Supported Ubiquitous Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Technology & Society;   13, 4, p27-37, retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/ehost/detail?vid=16&hid=19&sid=aaea8b56-8857-4746-925b-d7f759382d03%40sessionmgr14&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=ehh&AN=57310780.   

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Module Two Blog Responses

I responded to the following individuals’ blog:

            Yolanda Lyons:  Module 2

            Vida Martin: Module 2

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

The discussion concerning cognitivism as a learning theory is an interesting one.  Both authors, Kerr (2007) and Kapp (2007), make the same point about learning.  Learning is a multi layered event; people don’t just learn one thins in isolation, which is used to connect to another event.  Learning theories have a lot of _isms attached to them, but it isn’t a question of one size fits all.  It boils down to we all have our own way of learning.  As a result, how a person learns is key in bringing up test scores, utilizing the proper curriculum for our students and instructional design.  Kerr (2007) wrote that “The learning theory is indispensible to the curriculum reform effort and it is important.  We have to know our students are learning in order to determine the best instructional approach.


Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://billkerr2.blogspot.com/2007/01/isms-as-filter-not-blinker.html
Kapp, K. (2007, January 2). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.kaplaneduneering.com/kappnotes/index.php/2007/01/out-and-about-discussion-on-educational/

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

EDUC 8845 Blog Responses

Module 1 Blog Response’s

Shirley Brady’s blog

Laura Lee’s Blog

Mrs. Stiff’s Blog

Tiffaney Harrell’s Blog

Sunday, March 11, 2012

EDUC 8845 Module 1 Posting

3. Critique Siemen's 'metaphors of educators.' Which of these metaphors best describes the role you believe an instructor should take in a digital classroom or workplace? Is there a better metaphor to reflect your view of the role of instructors?

Each of the metaphors that Siemen lists for educators provide a rationale for a type of instructor.  They all have key aware that do need to be taken into consideration when curriculum is designed for the students.  Educators need to have all of the skills that each metaphor, (Master Artist, Network Administrator, Concierge, and Curator) in order to provide a sound educational experience for their students.  The need to be able to offer and help develop skills for their students such as,  informed perspectives on their work, create learning networks for themselves, providing directions to new resources or opportunities for their educational development, and to have the expertise to offer further insight as to how their knowledge can be connected to prior, current and future learning. (Siemens, 2008).

An instructor in the digital classroom needs to be a curator in my opinion.  The educator needs to have a strong background in the area that they are providing instruction, while being aware of all of the resources available to encourage learning.  This helps the student establish their own learning and encourages them to practice, play and utilize other sources in order to develop their own style of learning. Many of my students come with gaps in their skill development and it my job to find those gaps and close them or provide interventions for them to circumvent them. As a student in the digital world, I know that there are times when I need to know that there is someone to go to in order to help me out when I am using a new piece of technology or program.
I view educators as architects, because I have always viewed myself as a developmentalist.  I discover the students' current levels of learning and develop instruction in order to help that student learn.  Or as in some cases, fill in the gaps of learning that are missing in order to help them establish a firm foundation.  In order to do this I must be aware of all of the materials, curriculum, and technology that are available for the student in order to provide them with the best instruction, while helping them become responsible for their own learning. I think that educators need to be have as many tools in their toolbox in order to provide a sound educational experience for their students.  In our global world we need to solid background.


Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM.Retrieved from http://it.coe uga.edu/itforum/paper105/siemens.pdf. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

new quarter/end quarter

Hi everyone!

The winter quarter classes have ended and I did learn a lot.  However, I am not happy with the progress in one of the classes.  I will resolve that this summer.

The dissertation process is a long one and I need to begin it asap.  In addition, I will be completing my course work and KAMs. 

More technology classes this quarter, writing goals and hopes that all will be successful.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

EDUC 8842 video responses

I responded to the following posts. Ssmore blog Tina Ramsey blog Jjslearning.blogspot Rodrussel-roderick.blogspot. Julonda slay' s blog

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Video/Story board

I decided to post this story board because my youtube video is not what i thought it would be and I am trying to correct the issues.  This has been ongoing for five days.  I will show proof if I need to; the references and notes are listed in this powerpoint link.


The video is on this link:

Let's try this one again:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l9SQuGvf8YM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I have been having technical difficultuies.  I think I played with the gagets on youtube and lost my audio.  My saved video contains the music, but not all of my audio.  Stay turned.  I'm sure I will uncover another issue and resolve it.

Thank you for your patience.


Monday, February 13, 2012

EDUC Video

 I know it's after midnight, but this hasn't been the best day in my world.  Please view and comment on my vidoe.  I haven't done anything like this for over twenty years.  It was very interesting to use so many types of technology.


This is the link to my video.  I saw quite a few of my classmates on youtube, as well.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Concept Map


Please click on this link to my concept map.  when you see my map , please press the little buidling for a good look at my concept map.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Module 5 Blog Post

I can't seem to get my blog correct and add the link to my diagram. I will learn, I will learn.  I really enjoy technology and all the freedom and time saving devices that it provides.  However, I was reminded today how delicate it can be. Between the two kinds of technology static and dynamic, I must say that use dynamic technology more often and I am much more comfortable with this are of technology.

Today, I received a call from our technology department because it seems I inadvisedly re configured the password to an account that the entire district uses.  I do not know how I did it, but it affected everyone and hopefully it can be resolved. The account is an app that would be part of static technology, which I like  but I just learning how to use properly.  I like to explore and keep pressing numbers and asking for help until I understand exactly what I am doing.  Unfortunately, once I understand one area, someone adds something knew and it changes. I understand that Static means fixed and my comment does not make any sense, but I really think that static technology is fixed, but it has a continuum and something adds to program.

Dynamic technology means that it is capable of action and change.  This is why I enjoy dynamic, it has something new added to a program or item that I understand. My current favorite are cell phones, iPad, and Skype because there is something new each time I go to use the device.  I really enjoy them and have found countless uses from them in my life.
I do think that both have a place in an online classroom and I need to learn and understand static technology better develop confidence that I can use them properly.

Blog Module 5

I use a great many types of technology throughout the day.

Dynamic Technology:                                           
Static Technology
a. Collobaration:
     1. Yahoo List groups
     2.  Blog
     3.  Wiki
b. Content
     1. I-Pad
     3. Google Docs
c. Communication
    1. Cell phones
    2. Skype
    3. Email
Static Technology

a. Collaboration

a. Fax

b. Vidoe

c. School Net

b. Content

a. Apps

b. Libraries

c. Kindles

c. Communication

a. Twitter

b. Facebook

c. Instant Messaging

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

EDUC 8842: Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools


In my graphic organizer I have listed various ways that learners can engage with one another and the teacher.  The teacher is the person who creates and organizes the material so that it can be effectively used by the learners (Siemens).  The content that I listed would be found and used as a way to design the course. As Andersen (2006) stated the design of the course is very important. The teacher serves as a facilitator and an expert in the subject that is taught in the course (Siemens).  In addition, the content would provide a foundation for the course. The communication and collaboration is definitely an overlap, (as is the content) but in a more obvious manner.  The tools that I listed in my graphic can be used in both areas, in addition, the tools can be used to provide instructional material as well. In addition, the instructor’s role interacts within the participants by encouraging them to explore the materials and enable effective learning   All areas of the graphic can be utilized together or separately, depending on the instructor, instruction and curriculum.


Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed.). Edmonton, AB:

Athabasca University Press

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006).Strategies for enhancing student

interactivity in an online environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193. Use the

Academic Search Premier database, and search using the article's Accession Number:


Siemens, G. (2008, January).Learning and knowing in networks: changing roles for educators
and design, ITForum

Sunday, January 22, 2012

EDUC 8848 Rough story board continues


This is a continued version of my storyboard.  I will be adding more as I edit the video and include other items.  Stay tuned and visit often this week.  Please let me know what you think.

Michelle MartensDragalin

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Week of the New Year

The first full week of the new year and passed.  I have been somewhat diligent in keeping up with my new year's goal.  However, there is a stumbling block, but I am confident that with some extra effort on my part that will pass.  There are just not enough days in the week.

The district I work for gave us a iPad to use for assessments.  I really like the iPad, more than I thought I would.  I have a net book, but it did not live up to it's hype and I am very disappointed.  I thought it would be really helpful.  In addition, to the extra bulk, power cord and slow speed, I just did  not like it.  the iPad has been a great surprise, it is small, the power cord light and very efficient.   I plan on saving up for an iPad and sell my net book.

I have joined the 12x12x12 picture book challenge. I am hopeful this will help me complete my backyard zoo picture book series.  The Master Teacher product manager has sent me the contact information and all I have to do is complete my C.V.  Of course I need this to apply for a couple online teacher positions.

The year is progressing. I hope that all of you are getting up to a great start this new year.

EDUC 8842 Blog Post: Assessing Collobarative Method

The formats for distance education are reflecting the degree of closeness in a global world.  People are becoming assessed in the work that they do, but also in the degree of participation within that group.  Someone who “does all of the work” cannot hope to become promoted because they  are showing that will do the work, but won’t work with others in the group.  In order
to assess the productivity of an individual in a collaborative environment, they can assess their peer by rating contribution,  quality of work and assistance.  In addition, their supervisors and educators can assess their students and subordinates by assessing the time on task. In an online environment this can be determined by how many times they log into the community.

However, as in the real world, some people do not want to participate.  They feel much more comfortable “lurking.” They would rather read and contribute only as much as they need to meet the requirements of the course.  A way to help them overcome this is to respond to their posts and encouraging their answer by asking questions or asking from more information.

Distance Education requires individuals to change their way of thinking in regards to collaboration and response to assessments. This is difficult.  I can relate to this situation because even though I find technology very exciting, it is difficult for me to participate because I like to see the reaction of the person and based on that I can gauge their reaction and I like a response so I know the quality of my response. .

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building online learning communities: Effective strategies for
the virtual classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

EDUC 8842 Story Board

Please click on the link to my powerpoint.  This powerpoint is a visualization of my video. 
Thank you for your comments, critiques and helpful suggestions.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Challenge; AKA My New Year's Resolution

This year I want to reestablish my writing career and begin my career once I achieve my Ph.D.

I know that is sounds funny, but I have read in several places that one way of starting is to assume the life has begun:


1. Health is the key word a to live by

2. Hour exercise daily/three day strength training

3. Relationship development skills

4. 12x12x12 Picture Book Challenge

5. Master Teacher Publication

6. Complete my graduate classes, prospectus and begin the dissertation process.

7. More self discipline

8. Writing goals

9. Technology acquisition skills and knowledge

The goals on this blog are general but they are specific in my journal entries. The big thing is to complete this and I especially want to lose weight.