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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Light of the World: A testimony of Jesus Christ

A Book Review


Michelle Martens Dragalin

                A person’s return journey back to Christianity is very personal as Patrick K. Canon illustrated in his book. This book is about a man who finds his rebirth after he has hit rock bottom. The book actually has three parts to it and each section could be expanded into its particular book. The first section is a long poem, the second section a sermon on how America is founded on Christianity and finally the author’s testimony. The follow paragraphs will review each section of the book.

I liked the poem, but the poem was too long and had to many themes inside of one poem. I did like the nuggets in the poem because are based on biblical evidence. However, the poem should be separated into several different poems. Each poem would have its own theme and it would not have been an endurance to test to read them all. The book of Psalms and Proverbs are not all written as one lengthy book.

The next section of the book examined how Christianity should fit into the everyday world of America. Christianity is not part of the everyday world, and I agree with the author and the points he made in this section. However, I received the feeling that he realized he was rambling and ended the section with a quick segue into his testimony.

His testimony was very to the point and clinical. He depicted the events as they unfolded rather quickly and without much detail. Mr. Canon needed, in my opinion, more emotion and less narrative about the events that happened during his story. This would have helped the story would have flowed better. In addition, this section read more along the lines of a man who updated his journal based on events that happened to someone else. I also think that in trying to remain as anonymous as possible, he left out pivotal events (we already know that this about him), but I still do not understand what the turning point was about his testimony.

The book has some really strong points, but it was almost as if he wanted to “get on with the book” and let the reader figure out what he was talking about on their own. While this would be good for a Christian who knows where to go, a new Christian would have a difficult time understanding his book. A little more detail would not have hurt the book.

The Light of the World
Available from: www.authorhouse.com, www.bn.com and www.amazon.com
ISBN: 978-1452026367 *  7.8X4.9 * Paperback * 56 page * $10.49

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