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Friday, February 22, 2013

FOCUS: Control the Chatter

Bishop T.D. Jakes recently aired a podcast titled "Don't Let the Chatter Stop You, Parts 1 & 2". I really needed to hear this message, because at the time I felt completely overwhelmed with everything that is going on in my life. I have an excessive number of books to review, a dissertation to write, course work to complete, IEPs to write, conduct and complete, lesson plans to write, services I agreed to provide in exchange for other services, responsible toward other writing obligations and relationships. You should really see the list of things that I want to accomplish this year!!!! My word for the year is STEWARDSHIP. The skills of stewardship are important to learn and will help me maintain balance in my life. Bishop Jakes made several good points, but the one I remember the most concerns Solomon. King Solomon asked for wisdom, not money, fame, material items or anything else, but wisdom. I realised that stewardship is similar to wisdom. If I don't exert good stewardship skills over the various areas of my life nothing will get done. It doesn't matter how huge my debt is, materials I have or anything else, if I do not exert some stewardship skills over these things than it doesn't matter and it will get out of control. I need to focus on what a good steward needs to do to maintain balance. In the mist of all the things that I want to accomplish, the main goal is to maintain balance. Several Facebook friends have written some very good blogs about balance and one put an excellent wheel on her blog. The point is that I have not been good about citing these people and giving them due credit because I have been feeling overwhelmed. Upon which, I pray and ask God, are you sure my word this year should be STEWARDSHIP? God responded by pointing me into the direction of my podcast app and reminded me that good STEWARDSHIP is maintaining balance. The message: do not to let the "chatter", the outside unnecessary influences get in my way. As I learn to do that with my angels guiding me and God's help, I will accomplish and fulfil my dreams; writer, Ph.D., and teacher, while I maintain good relationships with my family and friends.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First week in February

I have finished my January thoughts, but  I need to reflect on my journal and see what I learned last month, besides I need to care for myself before I can help others.  The world is such a funky place.

This week I will definitely finish my articles matrix and my course project.  I better it is due this week.  I don't have much time to get my proposal approved and I want to have it completed this month.  I guess it is a good thing it will snow so I won't be able to go up to the cabin.  

My matrix is coming together, it just needs to be typed up and I need to go through the proposal followed by submitting it to some friends/classmate who will critique it.'

IN addition, I will be posting some book reviews tomorrow (I hope)