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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Grant Writing

My varied interests allow me to excuse the time that I spend surfing the web, reading and writing. Currently, I have the following projects; coursework for my graduate classes, a shawl for my daughter, socks for my husband, afghan for my son, proposal for the church committee, book series on urban animals, AND writing two grant proposals in order to get funds for our special education department.

None of the projects scares me more than writing the grant proposal. Write a grant if you need the money. Easier said than done!! I hope that the grants are approved. We need to buy some technological equipment for our department (docu cam and its accessories, printer, laptops and desktops, iPads, and iPods), as well as, another paraprofessional (or two). The additional para will allow us to provide more individuals instruction and access to the general education classroom for our students.
I want the additional technology because it is a way to keep the students involved and independent in the classroom. In addition, I have been reviewing some books and curriculums that suggest various strategies that we could implement if we have the proper equipment.
Tomorrow and Saturday I will be posting some reviews of the technology, books, curriculums and other blogs that I have been reading. This material is helping to decide what would work in our department and give me information for more articles.
By the way, I am looking for someone to review my grant proposals

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