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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Completion Appreciation!

Building and Maintaining a Fire 

This post will appear on both blogs. I have decided that there will be times when I will post the same reviews, refer to my other blog or write separate posts for each blog. This is because I am an information junkie. The theme of this post concerns a lesson learned in connection with Stewardship. A lesson that helped me remembers Erma Bombeck and Paul Harvey. I need to remember stewardship is very much like a building a fire. Stewardship uses and develops all of the gifts that we are given by God.

Erma Bombeck is a writer that I have always admired and wanted to emulate. Paul Harvey is another journalist that I have admired and wanted to emulate. Primarily, because both worked with their families and their work primary based at their home. Both writers were individuals that I wanted to become, they used all of their talents in this lifetime. I am sure that when they stand before God, he will say to both of them “Well done, good and faithful servants”. In addition, they both would have had a website and blog if that had been the case at the time.

The blogs are my way of providing an outlet for my dreams of developing my gifts, my potential, as a writer, educator and scholar.  My gifts as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and relationship titles are personal and referred to, but not explored in a public domain. My first blog was Michelle’s Notes, which I started to fulfill criteria for one of my graduate classes in the Ph.D. program of Education (specialization in Educational Technology). The other blog, Michelle Writes, was developed because I wanted to separate my two main interests because it seemed me that they needed to be on different venues. My long term goal for these two blogs is to combine them with my pinterest boards, tweeter account and Facebook accounts, inside a website for my company titled Michelle. Inc.

The blogs have helped me complete steps in order to achieve my goals as an educator, scholar, and writer. Publishers are more likely to hire me if I have a blog. A blog will help them see my style of writing and how disciplined I am in maintaining the blog(s). In addition, some send me books to review, Woo-Hoo! I love to read, almost anything, and right now I get free books to review. Some I like and others, not so much. This is also a great place to post reviews, answers to questions, provide reflection on other people blogs and help me maintain a sense of discipline. Finally, I have always wanted to be a columnist, while I do not get paid, that to will change (I hope).

Building and Maintaining is a Lesson of Stewardship.

 In order to build and maintain a fire, you cannot think about it. The does not happen because you have set a goal for the day that you will have a fire. Building a maintaining a fire requires a huge time investment. First, a person needs to acquire the necessary materials need to make a fire. Second, the wood needs to be cut into pieces that fit into a fire place. Once the wood is cut, available and placed into the fireplace. The person needs also have paper, kindling, and matches on hand as they watch the fire begin. Now the person needs to feed the fire with flammable materials until the fire is hot enough for larger pieces of word. At this point the fire does not require as much attention, but it does require attention. On regular or semi-regular intervals, pieces of wood or other flammable materials need to be added to the fire. (You cannot cram a large piece of wood into the fireplace, because if it does not fit, you will spend more time cleaning up the mess this will cause.) Once the fire is no longer needed and it goes out AND IT DOES NOT NEED TO GO OUT! The fireplace, chimney and flues all need to be cleaned. Thankfully the fireplace is the only item that needs to be cleaned daily, the other two needs to be cleaned yearly. The ashes, wood pieces and other items that get into the fire need to clean out of the fire place. This process is repeated in order to make sure that the fireplace does what it is designed to do, keep the house warm.

This synopsis is an example of being a good steward of a fire. Stewardship is the same on a much larger scale. God has given us gifts that we need to use and develop, but we need to make sure that each gift is properly attended to and developed. Also, part of Stewardship is prioritizing and starting from making sure that all of the materials are in good working order.

Those of you who have been following my blogs know that Stewardship is my word for the year. In addition, you also know I have been having some issues. I have determined that these issues have developed in order to block me from exploring and searching and learning about Stewardship throughout the year. I have made the right choice and it is within my power to learn these skills because God has commanded me to be successful in my exploration of this word.

I know that I have not been faithful to God and his gifts are developed in the faithful. A faithful person is like a tree, at the beginning I need to make sure that the tree is healthy and has health habits that keep the tree growing. Or in my case, as long as I have healthy habits, then I can complete whatever God has in store for me. As time goes along, various parts of my life will need to be pruned, which a good steward will learn. Areas need to be cleaned out. Check out Nehemiah as he builds his city, this book in the Bible will give you good examples.

What to Expect from Me

Regular readers of my blogs will recognize the following segment as “same song, same verse” and authors waiting for reviews will be move it, I want my review posted.  Well wait and read this and pray for me.

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey as an educator and scholar.  On this post I will include:
a.       Accomplishments as an educator/scholar.

b.      Schedule of my dissertation goals (including my prospectus).

c.       Projects

d.      Research, comments on blogs I follow

e.       Book reviews.

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey as a writer (author, novelist, poet, journalist, journaling, essayist and critic) and whatever is associated with my journey as a writer.  On this blog you discover:
a.        accomplishments as a writer

b.      Book reviews

c.       Project development

d.      Reflection on research, blogs and other stuff

e.       Promotions for various related area.

On each blog I will include an Appreciation Completion Day (an idea from Julie Hedlunds’ blog) and Week’s Blue Print will be posted on either Saturday or Sunday.

Appreciation Completion Day:  My goal is to go back and act on my belief that Sunday begins anew and Saturday ends the week. Therefore, Saturday night is my period for the week. (Period is a form of punctuation that ends the week. Saturday is my period day, it ends whatever goals I had for the week and nothing, no new projects, starts anew.)

Week’s Blue Print: A number of researchers (I am not going to cite, but acknowledge that it’s not original) and people I respect have stated that a plan, blessed by God, will help a person achieve their goals and develop their gifts.

Rebuilding Building
 Cleaning out and rebuilding each day will help us accomplish a log of things. My hard cover calendar is set up for two years that reflect all of the things I want to accomplish in that time period. I have a list of things that learning and exploring the word of stewardship this year will help me accomplish is God allows.

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