The past two weeks our administration has referred to our back to school as the training camp. I have to admit that I really didn't pay any attention because they are always encouraging the general education teachers so that the scores will go up. That is not a positive statement and I would hope that it is not true. In addition, I have been paying attention to my own problems, primarily how to pay for my last four classes and mourning the fact that I have run out of time to complete my PhD.
Training Camp is actually a book authored by Jon Gordon. I bought the book with money I don't have, but it is a worth while investment. Our adminstrator must be a fan of Jon Gordon because last year she modelled our back to school development as the
Energy Bus. She constantly refers to us as riding a bus together. I will have to go back and read with new eyes because after reading the Training Camp I realize why I feel the way I do and it not an Ah Ha moment for me, but the author does a great job in explaining why this is happening.
Pride is a great tool that Satan uses to make sure that when we reach a point of success we go no further. By this I mean that we push ourselves, we work hard, we do ALL the things that we are supposed to do to be successful and WHAM! All of our insecurities come to light and we don't reach out to the one who can do it for us. “That's because pride keeps you separate from the love of God. Pride causes the ripple of fear in your life, and all your fears big and small can be traced back to it. Instead of trying to be one with God, pride says ‘I can be my own God. I can do it alone (Gordon, 2013).”
I am constantly writing in my journal that money is an idol and do a degree it is, but it is based on the fact that I have a lot of pride. Pride is what has caused the lack of promotion in my career. Pride has caused me to stop dreaming and Pride has caused me not to have faith in God.
The author, Jon Gordon, has written several book and I have checked most of them out of the library. The only one I can't check out is the
The Seed. I will have to save up for it and purchase it.
Training Camp is a good book and I strongly reccomend it!!
Excerpt From: Gordon, Jon. “Training Camp.” John Wiley & Sons, 2013-04-26. iBooks.
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