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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Let us ring out the old year!!

This end of the year has been a bit different.  I fully planned on doing some reflection with the year end and even prepared for the process.  THEN I received an email from Julie Hedlund's blog and she was going to do a end of the year reflection for writers.  We are on day 5, but if you want to join check out her blog.


The middle of 2013 through the middle of 2014; I spent more time at the doctors.  As a result, I have to see 4 doctors every six months. In addition to that, I have had to go in for tests and now have a small pill container because I need to take vitamins and medication 4 times daily.  What I have not down is increase my water intake and continue my exercise.

Graduate School

2014 was the year I was to receive my PhD, 2015 I would attend a graduate ceremony to received the PhD.  It hasn't worked out that way time and money intervened.  I still have hopes though!

My Classroom

The class size is smaller, but the students have more behavioral issues so it has been a challenge.  Upon the use of reflection and reflective practices, I plan on changing a few things when I return in 2015.
The following topics illustrate the areas in which I plan on making some major adjustments in my writing. The main issue I realized is that I haven't treated this in the manner I should; which is that I should be treating it as a part time job and full time during holidays and vacations.  Finally, using it as leverage to get out of the classroom as a public school teacher.  To do that I need to make sure that I have six months income tucked away.
Business of Writing

Children's Books

Adult Mystery Story


Curriculum Development

Book Reviews


Make your resolutions and start them ASAP (before January 1).  We will discuss them again in June to see how we are all doing!

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