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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Q is for quirky

is for QUIRKY

QUIRKY usually means differently unusually so!

According to my Flip dictionary it means aberration, band, caprice, crook, deviation, eccentricity, equivocation, groove, idiosyncrasy, kink, knack, mannerism, oddity, peculiarity, quibble, trait, turn, twist, vagary

GCW  ==  Have a great night!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

First Full Week of 2015!!!!

How did you do this week?  It is the first full week of 2015!! Me?  Not so bad!  Instead of sliding into the New Year slowing, I did a cannonball! I’m still sore from the impact, but I did learn a few things.

My exercise regime has not changed.  My goal for the second full week of 2015 is to sleep 6-7 hours each nigh and walk 5000 steps a day.

Graduate Studies:
I started a new class on Monday. It begins the week with a webinar and follows up with short homework assignments each day.

My Classroom:
On the evening of December 31, 2014, one of my DonorsChoose.org projects was fully funded. The play doh project, yeah!!

The classroom is doing well, but the instruction needs some revisions.  As a result, I am in the process of re-evaluating the instruction process and design in the classroom.  More later.


I am now a member of two critique groups, my goals is to become an active member of those groups.
I am taking a nonfiction class and will be joining 12x12 in 2015.

      Again, I ask how was your week?  I have learned that tiny footsteps still mean that I have mad progress.  I need to continue in the same direction.  Also, take off the review mirror; the view from your past hasn’t changed.