by Michael
Young Reader
Date: Feb 1 2013
Outlet: Capstone
Young Readers
bite! This book gives the young person
several reasons not to bite. The author also provides specific examples of what
not to bite. The examples include both
people and objects. Once this has been established, Mr. Dahl provides specific examples
of what to bite.
This is
a good book to read to youngsters when their teeth are coming in, in order to
show why they should not bite. In addition, the book provides a good book to
use as a teaching point for preschool and primary age children.
book provides an excellent format for a teacher to use to introduce backward
counting. The colors are beautiful, the dinosaurs are well drawn and the text
is can be easily explained. The theme of
dinosaurs is excellent because children love dinosaurs.
Would I purchase
this Book?
I would purchase this book to help children
learn why they should not bite. In addition to providing a great point, the
book is visually appealing. The text captures the illustration and keeps the
child's attention.