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Friday, January 11, 2013

Book Review: Little Dinos Don't Bite

               by Michael Dahl
                Capstone Young Reader
                Pub Date:  Feb 1 2013
Outlet:   Capstone Young Readers
                Don’t bite!  This book gives the young person several reasons not to bite. The author also provides specific examples of what not to bite.  The examples include both people and objects. Once this has been established, Mr. Dahl provides specific examples of what to bite.
                This is a good book to read to youngsters when their teeth are coming in, in order to show why they should not bite. In addition, the book provides a good book to use as a teaching point for preschool and primary age children.
                This book provides an excellent format for a teacher to use to introduce backward counting. The colors are beautiful, the dinosaurs are well drawn and the text is can be easily explained.  The theme of dinosaurs is excellent because children love dinosaurs.
Would I purchase this Book?
                I  would purchase this book to help children learn why they should not bite. In addition to providing a great point, the book is visually appealing. The text captures the illustration and keeps the child's attention.

Book Review: Dinosaur Countdown

                by Nicholas Oldland
                Kids Can Press
                Pub Date:  Aug 1 2012
Outlet:   Capstone Young Readers
                This book counts down various types of dinosaurs beginning at 10. The book provides an adjective to describe each dinosaur and illustrates each dinosaur.  At the end of the book Mr. Oldland provides a phonetic example of the name of each dinosaur. 
                This book provides an excellent format for a teacher to use to introduce backward counting. The colors are beautiful, the dinosaurs are well drawn and the text is can be easily explained.  The theme of dinosaurs is excellent because children love dinosaurs.
Would I purchase this Book?
                I would purchase this book to use as a teacher.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Reflection

It is Friday!  As I look back on this week, I realize that I need to make sure that I follow my schedule.  One person did ask to guest blog for me and I appreciate that very much.

This week has one more day to it, Saturday.  On Saturday, after I have had coffee with my friend and shop thrift stores with my daughter, I will complete my article review.

The book I am reading is about the brain by David Sousa.  It is very interesting.  He has written several books and I plan on reading all of them.  He writes them directly with the teacher in mind.  Anyway I will write a review on the book and really tell you about the book.

It is Friday!  How is your year coming along!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First Week in January

This Week’s Goal(s)

One of my goals this week is to complete the written portion literature review section of my research proposal. 

“Describe briefly the history of the topic identifying key landmark studies which indicate the methodologies used and arguments made; show the major issues or practical problems to identify the gap you intend to look at in your research, and then indicate what will be some likely research questions (for qualitative research) or hypothesis (for quantitative research). If necessary, show how key terms have been defined and used. Aim to show what contribution your research will make to the literature (Hart, 2007, p. 207).”

                I have the concept map of various ideas completed, I know that they are related to technology, but how?

 I have also produced a concept map that indicates how I want to put it together, but again how?

Stay tuned to see how I put this all together!

Second Goal:

The course project that is due for my educational technology class, EDUC 8847: Instructional Design & Multimedia, will also be used as a query for a workshop in the SimpleK12 Technology. They are asking for workshops or courses from special educators for special educators.

Final Goal:

EDUC 8847 Course Discussion Questions


Hart, C. (2007). Doing a literature review: releasing the social science research imagination. Sage Publications


The Goal for this Week!


This week I want to finish